
Goodness in the

    Heart of Scotland

Introduction to our Arable farming

Our arable farming enterprise has deep roots, tracing back generations. Growing 1,000 acres of cereals on a rotational basis from malting barley to soft wheat, we employ modern agricultural practices to maintain soil health and to produce the high quality of crop that our customers demand.

Work with us…

Harvest your potential: Cultivate a fulfilling career in arable farming

At our roots we are a real family farm, which is also home to an incredibly talented and dedicated team who work in acres and not hours

We do more...

Looking to the future

Driving sustainable agriculture in Scotland.

At the heart of our enterprise is a profound commitment to sustainability. We recognize the delicate balance between agricultural production and the environment. Our practices are guided by principles that minimize environmental impact, promote soil health, conserve water resources, and safeguard biodiversity.

Step inside our world...